- Homework#8 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 11/18 M; Due 11/25 M)
- Homework#7 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 11/4 M; Due 11/13 W)
- Homework#6 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 10/28 M; Due 11/4 M)
- Homework#5 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 10/9 W; Due 10/16 W)
- Homework#4 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 10/2 W; Due 10/9 W)
- Homework#3 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 9/25 W; Due 10/2 W)
- Homework#2 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 9/18 W; Due 9/25 W)
- Homework#1 (PDF) (Solution) (Assigned 9/11 W; Due 9/18 W)
Please read the instructions below carefully before working on your first homework!
- Homework will be assigned pertaining to each topic. Solving the problems in the homework is critical to learning the material and understanding the concepts presented in the course.
- Unless otherwise stated, you must solve the homework by yourself, without help from others.
- Label each homework with course # and name, assignment #, instructor name (Liudong Xing), and your name.
- Use standard 8 1/2 by 11 paper, and write or print on one side of the page only. Staple all sheets. This helps considerably in grading.
- Homework late policy: Homework assignments are always due at the beginning of class on the due date. Unless you have a legitimate reason and inform the instructor in advance, late assignments are subject to the following penalty: assignments one day late subtract 10%; two days late loses 30%; three days late loses 60%. After 3 days the assignments will be considered a ZERO.
- If you miss the class, it’s your responsibility to find out about any homework assignments made during your absence.
- Keep each homework for helping you prepare for the exams